The gestation period is a period of great change, including hormones and increased blood flow. These changes increase the risk of tooth decay, bleeding gums or gingivitis.

The following tips will allow you to wear your best smile when times comes to give birth.

Brush your teeth after every meal. Use a fine brush and fluoride toothpaste. Clean the tongue and floss. Its regular use helps prevent gingivitis.

If you have any dental-fulfillment, it is better to do before pregnancy, but if you're expecting a baby, you should wait for the period between the fourth and sixth month, for the first three are of extreme importance for the development of child and the incidence of complications is higher.

Either way, it is recommended that regularly visit the dentist at least once during pregnancy and again after delivery, that even if you have any dental condition.

However, if your gums are swollen and oozing or have the impression that your teeth are moving, go immediately to the dentist, as they may be symptoms of a periodontal problem.

For healthy teeth, food plays a major role. Avoid sugar, "as far as possible," for its high consumption causes plaque to be more aggressive and to produce acids that attack the enamel and cause cavities.

The gum tissues are extremely sensitive to hormonal changes that could favor even situations that result in the loss of teeth.