we offer a highly professional teeth whitening service which is tailored to the individual and will ensure safe treatment and impressive results. Tooth whitening is a minimally invasive, safe and rewarding aesthetic solution for people displaying tooth discolouration. 

An initial consultation assesses tooth discolouration type and degree as well as general dental health. We will guide you through the latest procedures in teeth whitening, discuss your preferences, lifestyle factors, timing and any previous experiences before recommending your tailored whitening treatment plan.

"At our centre we can help you to feel like a new person - with a whiter smile".

We can help you whiten your teeth in several ways:

1) Professional Tooth Cleaning is often sufficient for removing most external stains. This is usually the first step in the process and our experienced hygienists will ensure you have a comfortable, thorough cleaning session and can recommend a home care regime to get the most out of your whitening procedure.

2) Home Teeth Whitening Using custom fabricated whitening trays, we will design a protocol for you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home with a range of different strength whitening gels for different lengths of time to minimise sensitivity and maximise results. Most individuals achieve their desired result within 3-4 weeks and you have control of your end result.

3) In-chair Teeth Whitening we have the perfect solution of brilliant white teeth. 45 minutes to 1 Hr is all it takes to transform your dull and yellowish teeth to a dazzling brilliant white appearance.

In today's era where our appearance is so vital to our success, yellow and dull teeth are totally unacceptable and are considered to be old fashioned Which is why, Dr Sankpals Dental Centre is one of the very few dental centres across the globe, which not only specialised but also guarantee

brilliant white teeth in a matter of just 45 minutes to 1 hr !

Get brilliant white teeth in just 45 minutes to 1Hr!

  • Absolutely safe.
  • Guaranteed Results
  • Results last for 6 months 2 years or more*

Dr Sankpals Dental Centre prides itself as the tooth-whitening expert

Highly Cost Effective:

The instant tooth whitening procedure at our centre is highly cost effective

Few whitening Cases