Losing a tooth can be devastating to your confidence and your overall health. Understanding this, Dr Rajendra sankpal has been pursuing a special interest in dental implant reconstruction and surgery in order to effectively restore optimal oral health to his patients. He has completed Fellowship of Nobel Biocare Dental Implant (Sweden)

Biocare Dental Implant (Sweden).

Dr Sankpal is one of the first dentists in India who has been awarded with fellowship of Indian Society of Oral Implanvologists (India) and Diplomat of International Congress of Oral Implantologist (USA) which is a highly respected body in the Implant Dentistry

Dr Sankpal is one of the respected and esteemed dental professional in the dental and implant reconstruction community.


"By offering his patients a thorough initial consultation, you are able to receive Dr Sankpal’s expertise at his Dental Centre"

Dr Rajendra Sankpal uses a wide range of implant treatment procedures to restore missing teeth. He understand the condition of your smile and discover his recommendations without the pressure of added cost. With a strong dedication to helping his patients achieve total oral health, Dr Sankpal uses his strong scientific background to assess, diagnose and suggest the best treatment for best results.

Different Solutions We offer are

Dental Implants are an excellent treatment option that can be utilised to replace a single tooth, several teeth in a row or to replace a complete dental arch of lost teeth. They are used to support and stabilise existing dentures or to support full fixed bridges for those who have lost all their natural teeth and are looking for a long-term solution to their tooth loss.

Implant Surgery


Dental Implants at Dr Sankpals Dental Centre

Prior to any treatment, the underlying jawbone is assessed by 3D imagery (Cone Beam CT) to analyse suitable bone volume, to ensure you are a suitable candidate for implant surgery.

By utilising the most advanced dental technology and stringent infection and quality control, Dr Sankpal can provide high quality results. 


Dental implants are an effective and long-term solution to tooth loss…

Dental implants are one of the most innovative and effective restorative dental treatments to date, and allow patients to recover the function and form of their smiles. If you would like a dental solution to missing teeth that is designed for longevity and functionality, dental implants may be what you are looking for.

What are dental implants?

The titanium implant is surgically placed into the underlying bone. The porcelain crown is then either cemented or screwed onto the implant after the appropriate healing time has elapsed. Suitable cases can have a temporary crown placed on the same day.

A significant advantage of implants over conventional bridgework is that the adjacent teeth remain unaffected by the treatment.

Single Tooth Implants Case Study



Perfect for restoring multiple missing adjacent teeth, a bridge can restore your smile effectively…

A bridge is a dental restoration that is made up of several dental crowns fused together to literally ‘bridge’ the gap left by missing teeth. By inserting dental implants into the main areas of tooth loss, Dr Sankpal is able to utilise his skills to accurately attach the bridgework to the implants once the implants have fused with the jawbone.

Watch the video above to see how two dental implants support a three-tooth bridge.

A significant advantage of implants over conventional bridgework is that the adjacent teeth remain unaffected by the treatment, while conventional bridgework requires reduction of the adjacent teeth.

The Implant Procedure

Warning: The following videos contain graphic footage of surgical procedures and may not be suitable for all audiences. Users are warned that this material may shock or offend some browsers.


The All-on-4™ treatment is an innovative dental implant technique developed by Prof Paulo Malo, founder of the MALO CLINIC. With modern surgical techniques and improved dental implant designs, suitable patients can receive fixed full bridges with the All-on-4™ dental implants treatment at Dr Sankpals Dental Centre in as little as 2 days.

All-on-4™ dental implants

The technique can be applied to either upper or lower jaw, dependent upon bone volume and density. The treatment is a strong, durable and fixed alternative to dentures.


All-on-4 can be suitable for denture wearers who have lost their teeth sometime in the past. It can also be an option and for patients who are about to lose their teeth. This may allow a patient to progress to an All-on-4 fixed solution without ever needing to wear a removable denture. 

Take a look at the below case studies and find out how our patients have earned beautiful results. 

All-on-4™ Dental Implants Before and After ALL ON 4 CASE STUDY

This patient was having many mobile teeth, and difficult to eat food All on 4 producing a beautiful result

This patient presented to us had recently lost all of her teeth. She was unable to tolerate dentures.

We provided her with top and bottom All on 4 dental implants supported bridges, replacing all of her teeth.

This presented with missing upper back teeth and failing front teeth

We treated her with the All on 4 dental implant supported fixed bridge. This gave the patient a full set of teeth that are permanently fixed in place.

All-on-4™ Dental Implants Procedure

Warning: The following videos contain graphic footage of surgical procedures and may not be suitable for all audiences. Users are warned that this material may shock or offend some browsers.


More about the All-on-4 procedure

Do you need to replace your teeth but does not want to commit to removable dentures? There are a number of factors that can cause tooth loss in adults and children. Contributors like tooth decay, periodontal disease, accident or alternative medical conditions could cause teeth to fall out or need replacement. All- on-4™ dental implants have a great number of benefits if you feel that the treatment would be more suitable compared to dentures.

Benefits of All-on-4™ dental implants:

  • Less dietary restrictions compared to dentures
  • They are permanent and long lasting
  • Won’t disrupt speaking capabilities
  • The treatment is fixed in place
  • Can replace all your teeth

All on 4 Dental Implants treatment carried out by Dr Rajendra Sankpal at The Centre is the perfect alternative to dentures. Find out if you are an appropriate candidate for the treatment and call today .


ALL ON 4 plus

we recognise that patients don’t want ‘Implants’, they come to us because they want a beautiful smile, to be able to enjoy all foods and desiring uncomplicated options in the event of the unforeseen. With our unique approach each treatment is planned on an individual basis, and whilst certain patients may need additional implants or procedures for long term results, we aim to avoid prolonged treatment duration with further advanced techniques that afford minimal disruption to our patients’ day-to-day life and function. Whether it’s with four or more implants, with or without grafting, en-compasses indication-specific treatment planning incorporating this innovative techniques that have a built-in contingency and facilitate the delivery of an immediate final restoration in the most streamlined process.

The all 4 Plus Involves


When teeth are lost the gums shrink because the underlying bone undergoes natural atrophy and resorbs. Prior infections, gum disease, trauma or other conditions of the teeth that have lead to their necessary removal also results in defects in the jaw bone and an uneven surface. The re-shaping of the jawbone with a procedure called alveolectomy, or alveoplasty, removes the rugged areas of the jawbone to leave a flatter surface and more favourable surroundings for dental implants. By removing the rugged areas, we also eliminate the parts of the jaw that are most susceptible to resorption, and can rely on the deeper bone that is of a better quality for improved heath of the dental implants over time. Apart from improving the conditions for the placement of the fixtures, the re-shaping of the bone also improves the amount of space that is available for the construction of the teeth, which improves our ability to design a restoration that is more durable and aesthetic, and helps ensure that the transition between the prosthesis and natural gums remains hidden. The re-contouring of the jawbone also creates a flat interface of the prosthesis where it contacts the natural gums, which helps patients in cleaning and maintaining good hygiene.


Every case is different, and the bone anatomy can even vary in the same patient between the left and the right sides. In some cases, particularly in the upper jaw, there may simply not enough bone for as standard All On 4 approach because the anatomy of the sinuses is such that they do not allow for implants to be placed sufficiently towards the back and they would be placed closer together instead of being more ideally spread out. This may result in a shortened arch situation with less than a full complement of teeth in the prosthesis. Whether it is at all required is assessed on an individual basis, but bone augmentation, particularly of the sinus spaces, using traditional or some of our own newer methods, may offer a number of benefits both short and long term as described under sinus grafting. MAIN BENEFITS: Improved surgeon’s visualisation of the bone anatomy, wider spread of the implants with potentially more teeth in the arch-space, and improved contingency by having newly formed bone.


We use unique methods to ensure the dental implants are positioned in a way that makes them not only simpler to restore from an engineering perspective, but also reduces the bulkiness in the mouth for improved comfort, speech and hygiene.


We strongly believe in a minimalistic approach to the number of implants that we place to support a full set of replacement teeth for one primary reason: to improve your ability to clean. However, every case is different, and sometimes there are conditions that require us to place additional implants for improved support. These conditions can be divided into two main categories: the forces that are applied on the implants through the prosthesis during function VERSUS the resistance of the system of the supporting fixtures and the bone to withstand those forces. For long-term health we need to ensure that the foundations of the system are able to withstand the insults from function. In situations where the insults are significant, such as in patients who are heavy grinders, or where the foundations are inadequate, such as the case in very poor quality bone, there may be a tipping point disturbing the healthy equilibrium, leading to potential problems. The placement of additional implants improves the support and the biomechanical resistance, and is only used when deemed required, or when a significant increase in the size of the arch and the number of teeth is desired.


The techniques allow for the delivery of a final restoration within days of the surgery. The teeth are completely individualised and are tried in the mouth for fine-tuning, typically on the same day as the surgery when the swelling has not set in and we are able to accurately assess the new teeth before finalising and processing the final prosthesis. Not only does this improve our patients overall experience, but it also improves reliability of the implant connections, because the connections are processed not retro-fitted, and is one of the reasons that we enjoy a high rate of success of our dental implants.


The replacement teeth that are fitted within days of the surgery are designed with the final aesthetics and function, and as the permanent restoration. However in certain cases the improvements in the forces of the bite may be beyond the tolerance of the material used to make the immediate bridge. However, when that is the case, before deciding on any course of action, it is important to diagnose the weak areas of the bridge and the direction of the forces so as to have a better under-standing of what type of treatment or restorative upgrades would be required for longer term function.


Patient has large sinus spaces and not enough bone to spread the implants sufficiently for a full complement of teeth.


Treatment with sinus grafting and insertion of a FINAL prosthesis that functions until the patient decides she wants more teeth or upgrade.


Additional implats are inserted in the grafted bone and the fitting of a Zirconia bridge extending further back for a full complement of teeth

The bridge, or prosthesis, is designed to unique specifications with metal reinforcement, and provides a rigid fixation and stabilisation of the implants, thus allowing to fix  both.

Direct and indirect Sinus grafting and Bone re-generation procedures


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