Straight Teeth. Fast

The Inman Aligner is the perfect solution for crowding or protrusion of the front teeth.

It is really fast, very safe and great value compared to other systems.

With the patented Inman Aligner, your front teeth can be gently guided to an ideal position in a matter of weeks.

Most cases complete in 6-16 weeks and because it's removable you can take it out to fit with your lifestyle.

How it Works

The Inman Aligner is a revolutionary appliance, described as the "missing-link" between cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics, that can move teeth in the anterior region predictably, safely and quickly.

The Inman Aligner allows you to:

  • Achieve great results using just one appliance
  • Easily give you a wonderful smile in less time and with less expense.
  • Can be removed and inserted as easily as a retainer.
  • Can be used to quickly align teeth either as a standalone treatment or before aesthetic or restorative treatement.
  • Complete most cases in 6-18 weeks. Is a faster alternative to more expensive "Invisible Braces".

The Inman Aligner has Nickel Titanium coil springs that power two aligner bows that gently oppose each other, guiding the teeth into their new position. These gentle forces are active over a very large range of movement, which is why the Inman Aligner works so quickly.

The image below shows the squeeze effect of the two aligner bows on the front teeth. The inner bow pushes forwards, while the outer bow pulls back on the front teeth.

These forces allow for predictable rotation, protrusion and retroclination movements.

How long is the treatment with the Inman Aligner?

Most cases are completed within 6 - 18 weeks depending on the complexity of the case. For suitable cases, the Inman Aligner is almost always much faster than alternative orthodontic techniques.


What's involved in Treatment with the Inman Aligner?

  • Impressions are needed so that the lab can fabricate the custom made Inman Aligner. The Inman Aligner is made on highly accurate 3D printed models. The models are digitally corrected into the ideal set-up based on aesthetics and occlusion.
  • The patient is fitted with the Aligner. You will receive a detailed chart of where any IPR is required and where any buttons need to be placed. Full online and phone support is free if you have any questions before or during the case.
  • The patient wears the Aligner 16-20 hours a day. The appliance can be worn for less time but treatment time will increase
  • Regular checks with the patient every 2 - 3 weeks during treatment.

As with other orthodontic treatment, after treatment is completed with the Inman Aligner, retention is recommended for life to prevent relapse.