Computer Guided Implant Dentistry, An entirely new level of safety and precision in dental implant treatment

Computer Guided implant surgery is the most advanced dental implant placement technique available today and uses a patients CT images to plan implant surgery through computer software. Conventional implant planning via panoramic x-ray images has its limitations as precise execution according to the surgery plan is often difficult. However, computer guided implant surgery can be executed accurately and precisely as planned.

Guided implant surgery requires the following:

  • Medical or Cone-beam CT
  • Guided implant surgery dental implant kit
  • Custom surgical template created for each individual patient case
  • Implant planning software such as Simplant Pro

Simplant Pro is a revolutionary treatment planning and surgical implementation software system from Materialise Dental Belgium that incorporates 3-D CT scans, sophisticated computer CAD-CAM software, and biomedical engineering; all coming together to enable Dr Sankpal to carry out implant procedures with unrivaled accuracy and ease and to provide patients with the best implant experience for practically all type needs.

By planning your treatment and transforming this into a surgical template there is a higher degree of safety and predictability compared to freehand implant placement.

This treatment method reduces discomfort and swelling considerably for our patients compared to conventional treatment. The new concept also reduces the number and duration of appointments for our patients, which means fewer interruptions in everyday life.

Immediate loading of both upper and lower jaw in one visit


Tooth extractions followed by immediate implant

Minimal invasive flapless surgery followed by immediate loading by means of a CAD/CAM bridge

Tooth extractions followed by immediate implant placement and immediate loading in the mandible